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Core Members

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Dr. Chi-Hsien Huang
Chair of International Ph.D. Program in Plasma & Thin Film Technology/Chair of Department of Materials Engineering/Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Graphene applications, Biosensors, Low Damage Plasma Treatment,Nano Patterning, Nanomaterials

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6308/7502
Office location: General Building R301-7/Center for Plasma and Thin Film Technologies R201


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Dr. Chi-Lung Chang
Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Thin Films Technology (Arc, Sputter, HiPIMS…), Plasma Sources and Vacuum System Design, Coatings Tribology, Materials Analysis

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext6312/7509
Office location: General Building R303-2/Center for Plasma and Thin Film Technologies R201


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Dr. Ding-Yu Liu
Distinguished Professor,
Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Biomedical Optoelectronic Sensing, Nanomaterial Self-Assembly, Polymer Composite Materials, Controlled Drug Release, Electrocatalysts in Electrochemistry, and Sustainable Energy Storage Batteries

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6321
Office location: General Building R203-5



Dr. Lars Hultman
Visiting Chair Professor of International Ph.D. Program in Plasma & Thin Film Technology

Research Interest: Materials Science,Thin Film Physics, Nanotechnology, Electron Microscopy, Advanced Surface Engineering

E-mail: lars.hultman@liu.se

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Dr. Jyh-Wei Lee
Chair Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Surface engineering (PVD coating, chromizing, aluminizing, electroless plating,)、Nanomechanical properties evaluation techniques、AFM related techniques、Microstructure analysis、Corrosion

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6313
Office location: General Building R302-4



Dr. Wei-Fang Su
Visiting Chair Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Molecular design, synthesis and characterization for polymers, nanomaterials, electronic/energy materials and biomaterials.Fabrication and measurement of electroptic devices including transistor, solar cell, sensor.

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6324

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Dr. Sheng- Chi Chen
Department of Materials Engineering/Dean of Research and Development

Research Interest: Nanotechnologies for information storage、Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films、Magnetic films、Thin film Processes and analyses.

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext6307
Office location: General Building R301-6/Innovation Building 2F


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Dr. Wen-Hui Kuan
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering

Research Interest: Water treatment and reclamation, Pollutants' fate and distribution, Waste-to-energy, Waste-to-resource

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6209

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Dr. Jyh-Shiarn Cherng
Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest:  Electrophoretic deposition of ceramic materials, Reactive sputtering of functional thin films

Tel: +886-2908-9899 Ext.6309

E-mail: cherng@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office location: General Building R301-8

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Dr. Li-Chun Chang
Class Advisor of International Ph.D. Program in Plasma & Thin Film Technology / 
Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interests: Science and engineering of ceramics materials and devices, Ceramic thin films, Passive components, Resistive memories, Semiconducting and conducting oxides, Device reliability, Hard coating, Electroless plating, Quality Engineering

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6302.6335
Office location: General Building R301-1


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Dr. Yu-Ching Huang

Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Mass-production techniques for organic and perovskite solar cells, Material structure analysis by synchrotron radiation, Printing flexible organic electronics, Dim-light photovoltaics applications

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6317
E-mail: huangyc@mail.mcut.edu.tw
Office location: General Building R308-2


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Dr. Pi-Chun Juan

Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: High-k Materials, Ferroelectric Materials, Flash Memory and Product Analysis, Thin-Film Solar Cells, Device Reliability

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext. 6306/6334

E-mail: pcjuan@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office location: General Building R301-5

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Dr. Yang-Yen Yu

Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interests: Optoelectronic polymer materials and thin films、Polymer and hybrid materials and thin films、Block Copolymers for application on nanomaterials、Polymer-inorganic oxide nanocomposites for anti-reflective thin films、Polymer-inorganic nanocomposites for hybrid solar cell

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6305
Office location: General Building R301-4


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Dr. Hsuan-Chung Wu

Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Material Processes Simulation (Metal 3D Printing, Steelmaking),First-principles Calculations (Graphene, ZnO, TiO2)

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext. 6304

E-mail: hcwu@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office location: General Building R301-3

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Dr. Chien-Kuo Hsieh

Professor/ Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Carbon nano-materials、Catalyst nano-materials、Metal oxide nano-materials、Dye-sensitized solar cells、Fuel Cells

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6315

E-mail: jack_hsieh@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office location: General Building R308-2

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Dr. Chih-Ping Chen

Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: Nano-materials、Conjugated Polymers、Organic Photovoltaic、Optoelectronic devices

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext. 6318

E-mail: cpchen@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office location: General Building R308-4

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Dr. Tsung-Yu Huang

Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: metamaterials, Metadevices Suface plasmon polariton and localized surface plasmon polariton, Electromagnetic wave simulation

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6316
Office location: General Building R303-2


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Dr. Shun-Yi Jian

Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering

Research Interest: metamaterials, Metadevices Suface plasmon polariton and localized surface plasmon polariton Electromagnetic wave simulation

Tel: +886-2-2908-9899 Ext.6316
Office location: General Building R308-2